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    Long Hai 2022 Officer Training

    On March 22-24, 2022, Long Hai Security Service Joint Stock Company held training classes for the company's future command staff. Classes are chaired by many department heads, including General Director - Phan Nam and Deputy General Director - Nong Cu.

    29 March 2022 09:26

    To achieve one of the Company's strategies, "Empowered People - Passion & Pride." Long Hai Security Services JSC has continued to open training courses for future supervisors of the Company to meet the development needs of the market and the development of the Company.

    Unlike previous times, this training course has had innovations aimed at interaction, teamwork, and igniting the creativity of each participant, to achieve greater efficiency for the candidates.

    On Day 1, the following programs were organized by:

    General Director - Phan Nam: Purpose, strategy, and vision of the Company

    Head of Recruitment & Training - Nguyen Son: Ethical values.

    Deputy General Director & CEO – Nong Cu: Thinking method and approach to become a good and successful manager.




    On Day 2, the following classes were held by:
    Deputy General Director - Nong Cu: Results-oriented work skills and time management methods

    Branch Manager of Center Ho Chi Minh City - Tan Ho: Method of managing security team, Requirements for personnel management, and excellent staff management and operation management skills

    Area Manager of Southeast, Middle, and Highlands - Tu Le: Employee inspection and supervision and effective training methods for employees



    On Day 3, the last day of phase 1, the following classes were held by:
    IT Manager - Cuong Huynh: Skills in using remote office tools: Microsoft Teams, TeamViewer, UltraViewer.

    Human Resources Director - Ha Nguyen: Effective communication skills via Email and Basic and advanced excel skills.

    Head of Training and Recruitment Department - Son Nguyen: Presentation skills, Microsoft PowerPoint presentation skills, Presentation topics for students.





    After 3 days of training, the trainees were sent exercises and had to complete them before continuing the second training phase in mid-May. The results of the activities will assess their cognitive ability and help the trainees to be more confident when entering the second phase of the training course.


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